Google+ Cave Food Kitchen: Whole30: Day 35 the aftermath

Whole30: Day 35 the aftermath

Okidoki, that wasn't fun. Still suffering from yesterday, badly. My bowels feel like they have been tied in a knot, braided, squeezed and pulled. I'm sluggish, drained and quite disappointed in myself, and shocked that this has been such an ordeal. Anyway, I'll have to pull through and accept that these are the consequences.

Wasn't hungry at all at first, had some fruit and then a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, spinach, mushrooms & tomato.

Had some coconut milk with nuts and dried fruits later in the day.

Tried another type of dark chocolate, but it tasted very sweet to me, my palate is just not used to it as much anymore.

Not whole30 complaint, but indeed paleo, I made bread rolls from psyllium husk & coconut flour (recipe here) They came out beautiful & smelling amazing. And what's even better, they actually taste fantastic and are nice and fluffy.

Not quite sure why I made them right on this day, but it did make me feel better. Even if it was just a little :-)

Kept feeling "ugh" for the entire day, needed a few visits to the little room, and managed to produce smells throughout the day that would make Chuck Norris even shiver. Seriously, i'd rather watch this video non-stop all day than go through this experience ever again. 

Thanks to the support on the forum, I decided that going back on track was the best way to go, and ISWF also suggests going whole7 or whole14 could help reset the habit again.

By the way, another thing I noticed today, was that my knees and hands were quite swollen, I'm guessing this could be from the gluten in the pizza. Also had a stuffy nose when I woke up.

To do some serious damage control, my lovely partner created a beautiful meal; swordfish with shallots, a vegetable medley, steamed artichoke & baked sweet potato.

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